Mom in Comcast Promo

April 11, 2014 - Leave a Response

I was cast as the mom in an upcoming Comcast promo. Look for it in April 2014.


2014 Check-In

March 15, 2014 - Leave a Response

It’s been a hot second since I wrote on my acting blog, but lots of fun acting things always going on..


– New headshots compliments of the talented photographer and actress Anna Enger Rich (highly recommend)

-Updating this website with web wizard Raul Cruz

-Continuing in the Master Actor class with Kristen Shaw Acting Studio, new 2014 partner, the fabulous actress Elle Trapkin

-Just started Michael Cole’s on-camera audition technique class

-Booked a part in a PSA filming this month

Performing with The Whitest Kids You Know at the Atlanta Film Festival

June 10, 2013 - Leave a Response

I’m doing some older updates here – but I had a fun, rare experience at this year’s Atlanta Film Festival. I was picked out of the audience to perform with the comedy sketch troupe – The Whitest Kids You Know – who had a series on IFC (Independent Film Channel). I was in their dating game sketch which you can Youtube to get a feel for this rather crude, boy humor.


Theshay West’s “Under Pressure” – I’m the mom!

June 10, 2013 - Leave a Response

I got to work with the talented Theshay West again in his film “Under Pressure.” And yes – because I’m now an actress in her 30s I’ll be playing the mom role again, to a troubled young teen girl. They had a sneak peek premiere of the film, but the final cut is yet to come. Until then here’s a trailer for it:


The Last of Robin Hood

March 1, 2013 - Leave a Response


The Last of Robin Hood starring Susan Sarandon, Kevin Kline, and Dakota Fanning has been shooting in the Atlanta area.. they are actually still shooting for a few more days, but here’s the coolest part – they filmed a few scenes at my condo building.  So the whole crew took over our place for 2 days.  The building I live in is from the 1940s and this movie takes place in the ’50s.  I did get to briefly meet the stars of the show and because the directors, Wash Westmoreland and Richard Glatzer, are two of the nicest guys I’ve met in this business, I got a bit part in the film as the receptionist in a posh NYC hotel.  Period pieces may be my new fav films – great costumes, hair, and make-up.

Storyline from IMDb:

The Last of Robin Hood is the true story of Beverly Aadland (Dakota Fanning), a teen starlet who became the last girlfriend of legendary swashbuckler Errol Flynn (Kevin Kline). In 1957, Beverly was working at Warner Brothers studios with a fake birth certificate saying she was 18 — she was in fact, only 15 — when she encountered the former matinée idol. After a bumpy start, the two undertook a relationship that was ultimately embraced by Beverly’s Hollywood mother Florence (Susan Sarandon), who became a willing third wheel. The affair took them from L.A. to New York to Africa, then to Cuba where Flynn pitched in with the rebels to make a pro-Castro propaganda movie starring Beverly. It all came crashing to an end in Vancouver, however, when Flynn died in Beverly’s arms, causing an avalanche of publicity; Florence finally achieved the attention she sought in the form of tabloid notoriety but the chaos drove Beverly to the edge of sanity.

ADR on The Demon’s Rook

March 1, 2013 - Leave a Response

The Demon's Rook I haven’t written yet in 2013, but I’ve already had some really great acting experiences this year.  One was being called in to do ADR (additional dialogue recording) on The Demon’s Rook. I’ve never done ADR before until Demon’s Rook, but it was a fun yet challenging experience.  I was basically recording my lines but trying to match them to my same performance that we filmed last summer.  So they would play the scene I was in, and I was recording my voice to dub myself basically.  It was funny because for a second I thought, I can’t do this, which is insane because what, I can’t do my own voice..ha!  We did multiple takes, and I thought it was hysterical for them to be like “Could you be more you?”  So basically being the same you – can sometimes be hard.. but funny and fun!

Also, I got a few sneak peeks at this film and it looks amazing!  Their film quality was outstanding – so kudos to them.  I will repost when you can see the film.. somewhere..


“In This Corner” goes to BronzeLens Film Festival of Atlanta

October 5, 2012 - Leave a Response

Just got news from the director of the short film I was in “In This Corner” was accepted to the 2012 BronzeLens Film Festival of Atlanta!

Follow this film on Facebook at:

You can also view the director’s cut of this film on YouTube. My cameo is at 3:48 – 4:00: 

Vote for our AMC video

September 17, 2012 - Leave a Response

Made this video about AMC being taken off Dish Network for a contest – I got to work with the fabulous Theshay West and Dominic Racano again.. If you’re on Facebook or Twitter, we’d love your vote – Enjoy!


I want my zombies

A mean mom on Demon’s Rook

August 3, 2012 - Leave a Response

So my friend Thad from UnGodly Experience writes me about this film he was killed in and says I should send the director my headshot/resume.  So – I do and he writes me back and offers me a part in his super creepy movie he’s filming “The Demon’s Rook.”  Check out their website to see the trailer they already made and already have some great reviews on.

I play a mom again, but this time a really mean, very impatient mom – or maybe it’s just really bad kids.

The family

48 Hour Film shows this Friday

June 20, 2012 - Leave a Response

This year I really lucked out and got to work with the DIM Pictures group for the 48 Hour Film Festival. Under the direction of Anthony McHie, the short film In this Corner was created, and it will show this Friday at The Plaza Theater at 7pm with a bunch of other films too.

For more info and to buy tickets click here.